CENTRIS and Media Business Corp (MBC) announced the formation of C+MBC, a new joint
business venture that provides a comprehensive solution for identifying and
tracking household demand for broadband, media and entertainment services.
"This opportunity to work with the premier research company for tracking
household behavior gives us a chance to serve our communications clients with
more mission-critical information than anyone else in the country," said MBC
founder Paul Maxwell. "With the growing competitive landscape, our combined
ability to address detailed behavioral and current status data gives our
clients the competitive edge."
Presenting initial findings from its new IPTV demand study, C+MBC unveiled
its new venture at the CableFAX Leaders Retreat in Puerto Rico, an
invitation-only, informal summit for cable MSOs and other influential leaders
in the industry.
C+MBC's core capacities include accurate coverage of cable and DBS
markets; projections of household demand; industry best assessment of
broadband availability and emerging fiber-to-the-home; evaluations of VoIP,
IPTV and other nascent technologies; household scoring and direct mail
"Its not often you find a company that can provide one stop shopping for
information to track, for local markets, the pulse of household demand for
video-data-voice products and services," said Dr. Paul Rappoport of Temple
University. "C+MBC is that source."
The company tracks more than 100 products and services and offers post-
sale consulting and analysis, creating a turn-key solution for its clients.
Among the advantages of the C+MBC approach to reporting and analysis is
the ability to extend its core metrics to multiple geographies -- from Census
block groups to ZIP codes, cable systems, telco wire centers, custom trade
areas, DMAs, etc. -- with consistency across all levels.
"A critical input to any competitive analysis is timely access to accurate
measures of market trends and firm performance," said Rappoport. "Since the
battlegrounds for the video-data-voice wars are inherently local, national
summaries simply will not work. The strength of C+MBC is precisely this
ability to provide detailed and accurate information for every local market."
The company's approach also takes advantage of CENTRIS' omnibus survey,
which utilizes random-digit-dialing to sample more than 60,000 households
annually -- one of the largest surveys of its kind.