Want "a la Carte" programming?
With all the talk lately about "a la Carte" programming we thought it only right to mention that it's already available on the web. Simply click over to our
Internet TV stations page and you can find over 290 stations fully searchable by country, language, category, media type, live or video-on-demand, and now search terms.
Which brings us to our next point: yesterday we rolled out what we believe is the first directory of Internet TV stations that you can search via a term or phrase. No longer do you have to page through all the stations listed under a category, country or language to find the exact station you are looking for.
Simply type in "extreme sports" and get extreme sports television. Type in "dutch" or "netherlands" and "music" to obtain Dutch music television. Type in AFTV to return all AFTV stations.
We've included the ability for you to use quoted phrases or include the operators OR and NEAR in your search query. You do not need to include the word AND between search terms because we automatically return only results that include all your search terms.
We hope you enjoy and whether you do or not, please provide us with feedback. And are we missing an Internet TV station? Help us improve the directory by
submitting a station or
informing us of a broken link.