IQPC announced this morning its first
conference focused on the IPTV industry in the United States. "IPTV and
Beyond: The Future of Broadcast Technology" will take place April 18-20th at
the Marriott Del Mar in San Diego, CA, and will feature best practices from
companies that have actually completed successful IPTV deployments.
The conference aims to help attendees capitalize on IPTV by showing them
how to implement it, how to identify the potential for their organization, how
to develop a content strategy for their services, and how to understand the
economic benefits and challenges related to IPTV.
Some of the leading organizations that have already confirmed their
participation at IPTV and Beyond include Accord Media Group, ACN, Advanced
Media Strategies, Alcatel, Alliance Systems, Bell Canada, Canquest
Communications, CC Communications, Cisco Systems, Coaxsys, Comporium
Communications, Consolidated Communications, Digeo, ENCIRQ, Entone
Technologies, Everstream, Ewan, GCI, Hargray, Harmonic, HBO Latin America
Group, Motorola, MTV Networks, Santa Barbara City College, Siemens, Sony
Pictures Television, Telephony Magazine, The Diffusion Group, Tut Systems, TVN
Entertainment, UIEvolution, Verimatrix, and Wind River.
In addition to the 2-day conference, the event will feature a
pre-conference workshop day and exhibit area showcasing the latest
technologies and solutions for IPTV available today. For more information
about the event please visit