Helius, Inc., the worldwide leader in business class IP broadcasting solutions, today announced MediaLock for IPTV, a software based encryption solution for IPTV network operators. MediaLock for IPTV extends the IPSEC encryption offered by Helius' patent pending MediaLock technology to IPTV set-top boxes, and offers an encryption methodology that can adapt to the real-time changes necessary in the IPTV world.
The use of IP to deliver entertainment is growing rapidly and the two biggest concerns are secure delivery and access control. Helius MediaLock is currently securing and controlling access at thousands of locations for large private networks. This proven technology is delivering the level of security required by IPTV deployments.
"Using MediaLock, we provide security and access control to private network customers," said Ron Heinz, Chairman and CEO of Helius, Inc. "Adding client support so that MediaLock can run on IPTV devices is a natural extension of this product and our core technology."
Historically, broadcast systems have been limited by their dependency on smart card and other hardware centric technologies. MediaLock for IPTV is a software based system utilizing IPSEC and industry standard encryption algorithms to maintain the security of each transmission to its intended point of consumption. MediaLock for IPTV will consist of a client that runs on the provider Set Top Box (STB) which interacts with a MediaLock Server and Gateway.
"A software-key, IPSEC implementation is the best way to protect delivery of IPTV content in a real time environment," said Mike Tippets, CTO of Helius, Inc. "The ability to change the encryption key at anytime provides the required flexibility of a real-time delivery environment."