TRAI released the proposed amendments in the Cable Television
Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and the existing Telecom Licenses for
facilitation of growth of IPTV services in the country.
During the course of consultation process on issues relating to
convergence and competition in broadcasting and telecommunications, certain
problems were pointed out which are likely to arise if IPTV services are to be
governed by the existing Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995.
The possible solution for resolving the regulatory problems is amending the
existing Telecom Licenses and the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act,
TRAI had held a series of meetings with various stakeholders on the
issues involved. Based on the comments received in the meetings and its own
analysis TRAI has finalized the proposed amendments in the Cable Television
Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and the existing Telecom Licenses with the
objective of facilitation of growth of IPTV services in the country.
In line with its consultative approach, TRAI has decided that before
finalizing its recommendations on proposed amendments in the Cable
Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and the existing Telecom Licenses
and submitting it to Government of India, it will be appropriate that all
stakeholders are given an opportunity to offer their comments on the proposed
amendments. The proposed amendments have been put on TRAI’s website . Written comments on the proposed amendments have been
invited by June 23, 2006. The gist of the comments received will be posted on
TRAI's website.