Harmonic is developing a video-on-demand solution for SES AMERICOM’s IP-PRIME IPTV service using Harmonic’s StreamLiner 2000 video servers, CLEARcut storage encoding solution and Ingest Gateway workflow software. The Harmonic solution will enable telephone company operators and broadband service providers of every size throughout the United States using the IP-PRIME service to offer a high quality, cost-effective VOD service to consumers.
IP-PRIME is a fully-featured television service architected by SES AMERICOM based on world-class technical partners and state of the art IPTV technologies. IP PRIME offers telcos a complete, easy-to-deploy and cost-effective, managed solution, with more than 275 video channels transported from the SES AMERICOM IPTV Broadcast Center in Vernon Valley, New Jersey to the headend at the central office and ultimately to subscriber homes. With the introduction of Harmonic’s StreamLiner on-demand video delivery platform, SES AMERICOM will be expanding the IP-PRIME service offering with a comprehensive on-demand service encompassing local and national content.
Ingest Gateway is a workflow system for managing the ingest of offline assets, used in conjunction with Harmonic’s CLEARcut storage encoding solution to facilitate the video processing needed prior to storage on the StreamLiner 2000 video server. The StreamLiner servers, built using off-the-shelf hardware from IBM and Hewlett-Packard, ingest offline and real-time content and then stream programs on demand, as requested by viewers. CLEARcut, Ingest Gateway and StreamLiner are part of Harmonic’s IP-based on-demand video delivery platform, a solution that supports the full spectrum of on-demand applications, including VOD, near VOD, time-shifted TV, network personal video recording, barker channels and advertisement insertion.