Executives at
GTA TeleGuam are gathering around a crisp video picture gleaming off of a new, high definition television set. After months of planning and hard work, the team's wait for the first-ever HD signal on the island of Guam delivered in all-digital, IP format is now over. HD has made it to Guam.
GTA reached out to
CSI Digital in 2007 as a way to deliver all-digital IPTV services to its subscribers. All-digital IPTV would allow GTA to deliver superior quality television services and be fully competitive with the incumbent cable company. CSI Digital has extensive experience in IPTV delivery, having already initiated IPTV services in seven locations nationwide. CSI Digital's partner in the deployment is Avail Media. Avail Media is an innovator in IPTV linear and VOD content aggregation and has worked extensively with CSI Digital to ensure high-quality television service delivery to operators over multiple broadband network types and configurations.
GTA expects commercial roll-out of its digital IPTV service by June 2008.