Anevia has deployed its innovative products within Ina. With 70 years' experience in TV, 50,000 programmes added each year, 3 million hours archived and receiving a hundred of 24/24 TV channels for copyright registration, becoming a leading company in the field of VOD and TV archiving.
Ina requires first-rate reliability, availability and storage capacity. In this respect, it chose Anevia's expertise to take the technological leap towards quality of service and mass archiving for professional users as well as the general public.
Ina also selected Anevia on the following grounds:
- reduced investment and servicing costs thanks to a high level of technological integration of Anevia's products: one Anevia FLAMINGO replaces several traditional devices (IRDs and encoders);
- a higher capacity of treatment and optimal archiving: one Anevia FLAMINGO can broadcast up to 60 TV channels at a time;
- a continuous and reliable service thanks to an architecture created for the most demanding telecom operators;
- a smooth transition to full-IP while preserving previous investments.
"Ina's move to IPTV establishes the full-IP approach in the video market. Anevia has been selected for its innovative solution, which meets the need of demanding telecom operators for reliable, easy-to-integrate, and powerful products", said Vincent Meddour, account manager France at Anevia.