Türk Telekom has deployed the
Verimatrix Video Content Authority System for IPTV for its highly anticipated IPTV rollout. Türk Telekom, one of the world's largest tier one telecommunications operators serving more than 30 million customers, has integrated VCAS for IPTV to secure the delivery of its extensive line-up of live broadcast and VOD content for its new IPTV service.
Türk Telekom has envisaged a wide-range of services that may be available through its IPTV platform, such as online voting, personalized ad insertions, parental controls and catch-up TV. The initial platform will have a capacity to serve one million customers with the ability to expand as required. VCAS for IPTV is integrated with system components from SeaChange and Envivio.
Software-based VCAS for IPTV has been independently ranked at the global number one IPTV content protection solution based on active subscribers. Telecommunications operators have come to rely on VCAS for IPTV because it eliminates the vulnerabilities related to smart card-based architectures by leveraging mature, proven two-way Internet security protocols, a Public Key Infrastructure public/private key pair system and X.509 digital certificates. A downloadable security system for IPTV clients is not only more secure, it enables less expensive set-top box or client device hardware. Renewable security software can also be updated as required to combat piracy attacks.