BesTV is providing connected VOD services over the Internet with the help of software based transcoders from
ATEME. BesTV has already deployed over 50 of ATEME’s Kyrion File Encoders for IPTV services over its dedicated network, and is now using them for connected TV as well, with plans to install more as demand increases.
BesTV’s workflow exploits the flexibility of the KFE, with its ability to support multiple formats and bitrates so as to cover both IPTV with its guaranteed performance, and the much more demanding Connected TV over the Internet.
Apart from the expandability into these new application areas, the ATEME solution scores on scalability, allowing BesTV to continue increasing its customer base across China by expanding the transcoding farm as the need arises. Currently the ATEME transcoders process 300 to 400 hours of video per day for BesTV.
The ATEME KFE is a software transcoder supporting multi-codec, multi-format video processing for delivery over TV, mobile and Internet based services. It exploits ATEME’s widely acclaimed MPEG-2 and H.264 encoding algorithms.