The Spanish TV station "V Televisión" – Grupo Voz is using encoder and decoder products from
Teracue IPTV Systems.
The products are being used for live TV contribution and for the connection of the different broadcast sites. With the ENC-200 encoders and DEC-200 decoders it is possible to send and to transmit video/audio signals in H.264 format over an IP connection.
For the contribution and live links a dedicated 3Mbps network connection is being used. Over this network V Televisión is transmitting SDI broadcast signals and video feeds.
Three DEC-200 decoders are installed in the central office, within the broadcast headquarters in A Coruña. The units are able to output a variety of signals simultaneously. The SDI output can directly be inserted into the broadcast signal workflow, while the Composite output can be used for monitoring.
The ENC-200 H.264 encoders are installed in remote delegations as in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) and in Vigo (Galicia). A third encoder is available for backup and occasional purposes. The units have been selected due to the stable and continuous operation mode, and due to the fact that the compact units operate without any moving parts, as they are fan less and noiseless.
The sale and installation has been made by
Video Digital through the system integrator NRDmultimedia in Spain, whose team has also handled the complete testing and is delivering the onsite service.