WHAT: Technology Demonstrations:
VCAS Secures the World of Wholesale/Retail IPTV Distribution VCAS for IPTV provides a content security solution that supports the full spectrum of the emerging IPTV wholesale/retail business over satellite, fiber and other distribution network architectures. Come see why Avail Media, Falcon Communications and other IPTV wholesalers have chosen VCAS for their end-to-end content security solution. Key components of the solution include:
-- Verimatrix Remote Stream Manager that supports tiered distribution of encrypted content and rights management keys
-- Verimatrix Retailer Entitlement Manager enables secured stream by stream entitlement control across networks.
-- Verimatrix MultiCAS/IP server that integrates operation of VCAS with high-performance stream multiplexer/scrambler equipment from Adtec, TANDBERG, Thomson, Scientific Atlanta and others.