In our wired, tech savvy world, Americans can access a potpourri of information anytime, anywhere. Indeed, with an Internet search engine and a few quick keystrokes, the average citizen has a treasure trove of information at their fingertips. But what are we looking for online? Searchin’ USA, an irreverent new Internet TV show charting the week’s top 10 most searched-for terms on the web, provides the hilarious answers.
The weekly show uses a tongue-in-cheek, mock newscast format reminiscent of E!’s Talk Soup and Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, with a little bit of David Letterman’s top 10 lists thrown in, to both chronicle what Americans are searching for and give viewers a license to laugh and marvel at the results. Searchin’ does so by way of episodes comprised of three weekly recap segments, strung together for maximum humorous effect. To keep things interesting, each episode features a different combination of such segments, many with colorful titles such as, “Gotta Plead Ignorant,” “Is It Porn?” and “Mis-splellings.”