Contentinople is launching Contentonomics, a two-day event focused on online media business models and technology to be held at the Luxe Hotel in Los Angeles on Oct. 6 and 7.
The conference will be the industry’s first in-depth look at the business models of online content development, including the use of technology to drive down distribution costs and the implementation of new advertising tools to monetize online content and applications. The event will include a “Content Showcase,” in which leading online entertainment companies demonstrate new online content and applications, as well as the presentation of original research on online content distribution.
Contentonomics will be moderated by R. Scott Raynovich, the publisher of Contentinople; Adi Kishore, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading; and Mark Kapczynski, CEO of Kontrol Media. It will bring together dozens of senior executives in entertainment, digital media technology development, content delivery services, and advertising.