Verimatrix is supporting OTTCON Over-the-top TV and Video Conference 2011. Steve Christian, VP of Marketing, will be presenting "What Every Digital TV Executive Needs to Know About Adaptive Rate Streaming" on March 2 at 1:30 pm in the Granada Ballroom.
Adaptive rate streaming is being recognized as a disruptive technology for digital TV operators, and once they understand the basic principles of adaptive rate streaming, the next step is to make strategic decisions on how to best integrate the video delivery protocol with their existing network infrastructure. As a key player in the ecosystem that supports the growing momentum of the HTTP Live Streaming standard, the Verimatrix presentation will help illuminate the decision-making process, covering selection criteria and technical tradeoffs that are useful when deploying this technology. It will also cover the game-changing business issues from the perspective of different types of operators and vendors, as well as what might lie ahead for adaptive rate streaming technology.